Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Cost of Education

If you would ask any parent who's sending their children to a private school to name one common worry they have when it comes to education? I think, the answer would be the rising cost of tuition fees (plus other additional expenses).

Though we all want the best for our children, the issue on education cost is a fact that us parents need to deal with. Knowing that we can't really compromise cost over quality and vice-versa. We make sure that every centavo is well spent for the benefit of our child.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Invisible No More

In one of my browsing marathon, Ann Wizer's INVISIBLE caught my attention.
Its allegorical comparison of the current status of women in the Philippine society (especially those belonging to the underprivileged sector) and that of the nadir situation of the problem involving garbage.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blank Thursday
I've been staring infront of my laptop for the last couple of hours. Still no luck on what my post entry will be. I guess I'll have to wait for a few more hours or perhaps in a matter of minutes and hopefully will have something to write about.

Don't get me wrong though. I've got a hundred and ten things to discuss but somehow my mind's flying low. I'm quite puzzled also.

So, my apologies for now. Promise to make up for it. Thanks!  

Just Tech It Easy: Boost My WiFi Signal

I just couldn't resist!

This one is meant for sharing.

Mr. "boy scout" enhancing WiFi connection! :-)

Just Tech It Easy: Boost My WiFi Signal