Monday, August 23, 2010

Make My Day!

Going through my blog entries again, I wondered, will it be read by other people aside from my family? I reminded myself that this blog site came to life because I wanted to impart ideas. How will I know if what I am doing here makes any sense? I should not allow to be held back by some feeling of uncertainty. Sooner, I will need to have some evaluation on my posts. Whether good, non-affirmative, in-between, or no reaction are all of equal importance because it will serve as my gauge for further improvement. 

After mustering my spirited determination, I decided to disclose my blog site watchful not to make myself too swaggering. 

On my list were my relatives and close friends. Then, I also chose to include acquaintances, office mates, and classmates/batch mates, etc.? : )

So I kindly asked them to check my site if they happen to have some free time and to spare me some comment/s on its content. And they were nice enough to accommodate my simple request.

Spreading the news and waiting for their commentary brought a tailspin
feeling inside. I was online that day, feeling edgy and elated at the same time as I watch my flag counter going up for the first time. I was even chatting with most of them in real-time and received a lot of feel-good response.

When the idea of creating a blog site played inside my head, it really was a wishful thinking.
I am not a wiz. I am not really a writer. Though I've been meaning to give chase the craft even before.
To be proactive and responsive is what this blogging has taught me. It is not just about structure and rhetoric. It is a

Each piece that I have posted here has undergone about 8 or 10 rough out. It was a complete energy and brain drain. But it was all worth it.

Your visits gave me a total boost. Now, I’m quite sure that I made the right decision to start…

Thank you all for making my day! : )

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